São Paulo, March 2021 – in keeping with its commitment to provide technological innovation and safety for its entire packaging chain, Terphane (www.terphane.com), a leader in PET (polyester) films and an important global player in the flexible packaging market, has developed Terphane Active Protection technology, which has been proven to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus by up to 99.65%*.
The new line of PET films called Terphane AV, with Terphane Active Protection technology, has antimicrobial and antiviral properties and can be used in packaging for contact with food.
The antiviral properties of the new PET Terphane AV films, with Terphane Active Protection technology, were tested and approved by the Molecular Biology Medicine Laboratory of Botucatu University – UNESP São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was carried out following Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs), which are methodologies described and adapted in accordance with the Standard Practice to Assess Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate, Nonporous Environmental Surfaces E1053-2 and in accordance with ISO21702.
“If the packaging surface is contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Terphane AV film with Terphane Active Protection technology will accelerate the virus inactivation process, reducing the risk of spread. In this way, packaging made with our products provides greater protection for the final consumer and contributes to increased control of infections to ensure greater prevention in the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms, including SARS-CoV-2,” commented José Bosco Silveira Jr., President of the Terphane Group.
Terphane AV film with Terphane Active Protection technology has the same physical and mechanical properties as other Terphane films, including barrier properties and approval for contact with food in accordance with Anvisa regulations.
The film with Terphane Active Protection technology is used in the outer layer of flexible multilayer plastic packaging. The antimicrobial and antiviral actions were tested in various stages, including after the printing and lamination processes of the film. The technology can also be used in Terphane’s Ecophane line of sustainable films, without any damage to its properties.
Bosco added, “The main concept behind the development of Terphane Active Protection technology is our commitment to care for people in different situations of handling and using our packaging, from leaving the industrial plants, going through the checkout of the supermarket and home use, until disposal and recycling. We are talking about supporting the protection of the entire packaging and product value chain.”
However, Bosco warned that the new Terphane Active Protection technology does not change the personal care that everyone should have during the pandemic. “We must continue to maintain all safety and hygiene protocols to avoid contamination. This technology is a complementary step to help reduce the risk of viral transmission in the supply chain, consumption and disposal of packaging. This, combined with common sense and the precautions outlined by the ministry of health, will be essential for us to continue fighting this pandemic.”
*Terphane AV films were effective in reducing viral particles by inactivation above 97% to 99.65% in the laboratory, demonstrating their ability to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 virus particles for a contact time from 40 minutes. The conditions of the laboratory are not identical to the conditions for the spread of the virus in other environments.